
Releasing top selling records is an excellent way to climb high up in the artist rankings. In order to release a record you first have to record a couple of tracks and get a decent record contract with a record studio. You can work on two records at a time. Good luck!

Full Length Albums Release Review
Black Rain: Bonus Tracks 489227/31/2008 40
Black Rain 489227/31/2008 40
Blast Radius 462324/10/2008 40
The Early Years 4331412/10/2007 30
Singles Release Review
The White Flash 490418/5/2008 30
Adore 487087/22/2008 40
Craving the Unwanted 482147/1/2008 30
Hormonal 475426/3/2008 30
Sunday Music 468685/6/2008 40
Shanghai Explosion 461964/8/2008 30
Leaving Nirvana in a Fit of Rage 455143/11/2008 30
Of Truth & Love 448402/12/2008 30
[I Need You] 440301/9/2008 30
Slave 4356712/21/2007 30
A Merciless Love, An Unwavering Devotion 4269911/15/2007 30
The Marmlade Murder 4202610/18/2007 30
Thích Quảng Ðức 413519/19/2007 30