Splendid Cornfields


Releasing top selling records is an excellent way to climb high up in the artist rankings. In order to release a record you first have to record a couple of tracks and get a decent record contract with a record studio. You can work on two records at a time. Good luck!

Full Length Albums Release Review
April 2 636634/6/2010 40
Smokin' Hot Curves 6085612/10/2009 40
Sea of Sharkness 579628/12/2009 40
Singles Release Review
What I Lurves 628243/2/2010 30
Metallic Love Songs 621402/2/2010 30
Double Kreme Betweens 615031/6/2010 30
The Physics of Looove 6062812/1/2009 30
The Horny Ones 5994811/2/2009 30
A Maze of Endless Infinity 591109/28/2009 30
Falling Stars 584549/1/2009 30
Primal Gods of Schmoove 576117/28/2009 30
Games of the Gods 545953/24/2009 30
Heavenly Metal 535812/10/2009 30
License to Kill 529051/13/2009 30
Run Out the Guns 5207012/9/2008 30
In Arrears 491618/10/2008 20
Hey! Let Me Out! 475286/3/2008 20