♥♥♥♥ яock thé Ŀiƒé ♥♥♥♥

Recorded Songs

You need recorded songs, also called tracks, if you're going to release records. To record a song a member of the band has composed, and create a track, you need to book a session in a recording studio. For best results you should pick one of the appropriate genre and with good quality.

Work in Progress

♥♥♥♥ яock thé Ŀiƒé ♥♥♥♥ doesn't have any recording sessions booked.

Tracks Recording Releases Rating
VaLeNtine's DaY 5090810/22/2008 2 14
get over it 5087910/20/2008 2 14
LiThİuM 5086010/20/2008 3 15
<3<3 DeViL wAs aN aNgELL <3<3 5083210/19/2008 2 14
Fu*K ThE LiFe 5081610/18/2008 3 14
Field of Hell 5056810/8/2008 2 15
PuNK Is LiFe <3 5046810/3/2008 3 14
C'mon! 5044410/2/2008 3 15