Company Locales

These are the locales owned and operated by this company. Please don't forget that when a locale runs out of money, the people employed there won't get their salary and they'll quit their jobs and perhaps even trash the locale. Also, if the condition falls to the bottom the locale can collapse at any given moment.

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Locales Cash Quality Condition
Hotel Pibernat Ámsterdam 445929 44,592.90 M$ 50 99
Hotel Pibernat Ankara 707335 70,733.50 M$ 50 98
Hotel Pibernat Antalya 305042 30,504.20 M$ 50 100
Hotel Pibernat B.Aires 871435 87,143.50 M$ 50 100
Hotel Pibernat Bakú 293105 29,310.50 M$ 50 98
Hotel Pibernat Belgrado 927112 92,711.20 M$ 50 98
Hotel Pibernat Berlín 962758 96,275.80 M$ 50 99
Hotel Pibernat Bruselas 548099 54,809.90 M$ 50 99
Hotel Pibernat Bucarest 870085 87,008.50 M$ 50 100
Hotel Pibernat Budapest 366927 36,692.70 M$ 50 99
Hotel Pibernat Chicago 832801 83,280.10 M$ 50 99
Hotel Pibernat Copenhague 440366 44,036.60 M$ 50 98
Hotel Pibernat Dubrovnik 498567 49,856.70 M$ 50 97
Hotel Pibernat Esmirna 562733 56,273.30 M$ 50 99
Hotel Pibernat Estambul 372335 37,233.50 M$ 50 98
Hotel Pibernat Estocolmo 311066 31,106.60 M$ 50 99
Hotel Pibernat Glasgow 766330 76,633.00 M$ 50 98
Hotel Pibernat Helsinki 453847 45,384.70 M$ 50 97
Hotel Pibernat Johannes. 663795 66,379.50 M$ 50 98
Hotel Pibernat Kiev 832543 83,254.30 M$ 50 98
Hotel Pibernat LA 684768 68,476.80 M$ 50 98
Hotel Pibernat Londres 625596 62,559.60 M$ 50 99
Hotel Pibernat Manila 459245 45,924.50 M$ 50 99
Hotel Pibernat Melbourne 1023117 102,311.70 M$ 50 98
Hotel Pibernat México 327925 32,792.50 M$ 50 98
Hotel Pibernat Milán 569766 56,976.60 M$ 50 99
Hotel Pibernat Montreal 335289 33,528.90 M$ 50 99
Hotel Pibernat Moscú 596027 59,602.70 M$ 50 100
Hotel Pibernat Nashville 1002586 100,258.60 M$ 50 98
Hotel Pibernat Nueva York 747324 74,732.40 M$ 50 98
Hotel Pibernat Oporto 328667 32,866.70 M$ 50 97
Hotel Pibernat París 792090 79,209.00 M$ 50 98
Hotel Pibernat Río 900548 90,054.80 M$ 50 98
Hotel Pibernat Roma 475326 47,532.60 M$ 50 97
Hotel Pibernat São Paulo 384387 38,438.70 M$ 50 98
Hotel Pibernat Sarajevo 423947 42,394.70 M$ 50 99
Hotel Pibernat Seattle 704322 70,432.20 M$ 50 100
Hotel Pibernat Shanghái 840535 84,053.50 M$ 50 97
Hotel Pibernat Singapur 811816 81,181.60 M$ 50 98
Hotel Pibernat Sofía 358991 35,899.10 M$ 50 99
Hotel Pibernat Tallin 474938 47,493.80 M$ 50 100
Hotel Pibernat Tokio 378978 37,897.80 M$ 50 100
Hotel Pibernat Toronto 519104 51,910.40 M$ 50 99
Hotel Pibernat Tromsø 726044 72,604.40 M$ 50 100
Hotel Pibernat Varsovia 711842 71,184.20 M$ 50 100
Hotel Pibernat Vilna 883381 88,338.10 M$ 50 98
Hotel Pibernat Yakarta 291256 29,125.60 M$ 50 99