Wasabi Gumball

Company Shareholders

The shareholders who own this company are listed here. Once per game year these people can receive a dividend payment from the company. The dividend is paid by the current company president. The company president is elected once per game year by the company shareholders.

Character Shares
A. Forrester President 702
N. Rizzoli 267
K. Forrester 166
P. Abit 82
J. Earl 1

Dormant Shares

When an active shareholder leaves the company without getting rid of their shares, those shares becomes dormant. A dormant shareholder cannot do anything with the company and doesn't have any say in its day to day business as long as there are any other active shareholders.

Once a company stands without any active shareholders, a dormant shareholder may take control of the company.

Dormant shareholders

K. Wasabi
D. St John

Majority Shareholder

The majority shareholder of any privately owned company can, at any time, seize control of a company and become its president. A majority shareholder is a single shareholder who controls more than half of a company's shares.

With 702 out of 1218 shares the majority shareholder of this company is A. Forrester.