Midnight Blue


Releasing top selling records is an excellent way to climb high up in the artist rankings. In order to release a record you first have to record a couple of tracks and get a decent record contract with a record studio. You can work on two records at a time. Good luck!

Full Length Albums Release Review
Clear and Foggy 1876525/28/2024 50
Continuous Improvement 1849602/6/2024 50
Supermoon 18227210/17/2023 50
Singles Release Review
Glorious Mess 1871445/7/2024 40
Foggy Thoughts 1864664/9/2024 40
Questions 1858023/12/2024 40
Firework of the Soul 1851272/13/2024 40
Impatient 1844491/16/2024 40
No Failures or Mistakes 18378512/19/2023 40
Contagious 18310511/21/2023 40
Adoughrable 18243910/24/2023 40
Supermoon 1817639/26/2023 40
Get fit! 1810938/29/2023 40
Cave of Promises 1804208/1/2023 40
33 Headlights And 1 Star 1797017/2/2023 40
Blue Valentine's Day 1713997/21/2022 40
Beaming Eyes 1696675/10/2022 40