Company Shareholders

The shareholders who own this company are listed here. Once per game year these people can receive a dividend payment from the company. The dividend is paid by the current company president. The company president is elected once per game year by the company shareholders.

Character Shares
A. Bayliss President 333333
N. Rizzoli 100701
M. Ala-Korpi 8691
E. Blauw 10000
J. de los Ríos Sánchez 4696
L. Nichols 4923
L. Edmunds 1713
L. Dohmen 3299
E. Burns 1776
F. Corona 3333
M. Trafford 3666
E. Nordseth 3333
M. Blackmore 3333
L. de la Rosa 3504
L. Wicksted 1000
E. Dark Raven 399
E. Amarita 433
R. Parris 366
K. Forrester 740
D. Black 366
K. England 1688
P. Abit 403
A. Forrester 1362
S. Sanz 392
E. Renato 366
D. Lyhstål 333
A. Morningstar 352
A. Tervo-Morningstar Black 341
G. Harris 333
L. Wöltgens 729
R. Studebaker 33
S. Zurita Espinosa 33
A. Karaca 333
M. Yıldırım 114
B. Walker 333
E. Algaba 33
N. Baklanov 66
A. Agudo 110
L. Nichols 100
J. Rose 37
L. Commander 333
T. Trafford 333
B. Baez 323
T. Healey 333
A. Laviosa 40
D. Laviosa 100
E. Cebesoy 30
L. Dohmen 333
W. Agudo 50
K. Lobodina 33
B. Cuerden 111
A. Dohmen 333
T. Brooks 333
G. Price 333
T. van Loon 36
V. de Cara 33
B. Laviosa 19
I. O'Sullivan 33
V. Dohmen 333
C. Bayliss 333
D. Cole 33
D. Knight 33
R. Beardsley 3
C. Cuenca 3
J. Blackberry 1
T. Romani Bassi 5
G. Pelayo Parrón 2
S. Gava 6
M. Lopes 7
P. Pibernat 10
C. van Jole 3
B. Aguado 3
S. Álvarez De Miranda 3
I. Campbell 4
J. Beardsley 10
A. Santana 1
G. Parisi 3
K. Hartley Herbst 10
A. Gava 3
M. Neri 7
M. Gava 3
P. Gava 3
L. da Cunha Salvatti 1
S. Benítez 3
H. Nørbjerg 3
L. Lopes 3
M. Oh 2
T. Lopes 3
A. Pushkin 10
R. Keenan 15
J. Lopes 3
L. Duverger 5
D. Peace 3
A. Agudo 1
A. Agudo 3

Majority Shareholder

The majority shareholder of any privately owned company can, at any time, seize control of a company and become its president. A majority shareholder is a single shareholder who controls more than half of a company's shares.

With 333333 out of 501112 shares the majority shareholder of this company is A. Bayliss.