Music Videos

Nothing promotes a song like a Music Video. Music videos which make it to the charts receive an additional boost to song popularity for as long as they remain on the charts.

Music Video Release Review
Wrapped Buns 177180 3/19/2023 50
PoAholic 176505 2/19/2023 50
Hiding as a Teen 175834 1/22/2023 50
One year Chastity 175161 12/25/2022 50
Phlegmon 174490 11/27/2022 50
Even Away, I Sway 173823 10/30/2022 50
So Beauty yet so Fake 173145 10/2/2022 50
Tired to Seek 172473 9/4/2022 50
Fall of Desire 171815 8/7/2022 50
Desire UnderLock 171129 7/10/2022 50
Still Hurting 170457 6/12/2022 50
One goes, One comes 169786 5/15/2022 50
Devastated Pubis 169112 4/17/2022 50
Expensive Ointment 168442 3/20/2022 50
Think Otherwise 167769 2/20/2022 50
It's Orrible Stick 167098 1/23/2022 50
CryoTherapy 166427 12/26/2021 50
Still here? 165753 11/28/2021 50
Almost on Track Again 165092 10/31/2021 50
Infection 164423 10/3/2021 50
Moustached and Bearded Woman 163737 9/5/2021 50
Joy only at Night 163066 8/8/2021 50
No bald people 162394 7/11/2021 50
Nice Ass 161730 6/13/2021 50
Moroccan Scam 161050 5/16/2021 50
Do that by myself 160385 4/18/2021 50
Go East Again 159718 3/21/2021 50
Let me Disappear with my Whitey 159033 2/21/2021 50
Obnubilescenza 158368 1/24/2021 50
Tiny Chinese 157690 12/27/2020 50
Olistic Passion 157018 11/29/2020 50
C again 156346 11/1/2020 50
Chinese Scam 155674 10/4/2020 50
AAA DFK 155010 9/6/2020 50
Maybe the Ass 154329 8/9/2020 50
Burrosa MaryAnne 153657 7/12/2020 50
Another Pro in disguise 152986 6/14/2020 50
Pasionate 152315 5/17/2020 50
Unfulfilled Desire 151645 4/19/2020 50
Ding the Virgin 150969 3/22/2020 50
Castrone 150296 2/23/2020 50
Last time in Sevastopol 149634 1/26/2020 50
Berlucchi for my own 148954 12/29/2019 50
Bye Bye Pimp 148283 12/1/2019 50
Desidering Desiree (and I was wrong) 147611 11/3/2019 50
To go or not to go 146941 10/6/2019 50
Hot in the Dunes 146272 9/8/2019 50
Sara the Red 145603 8/11/2019 50
No money even for fantasies 144936 7/15/2019 50
Cheap Mouthing 144261 6/16/2019 50
Storm of Desire 143578 5/19/2019 50
The Playboy who Pay 142921 4/22/2019 50
Eskimo Sisters 142235 3/24/2019 50
NikuBo 141563 2/24/2019 50
Wet Dreams 140902 1/27/2019 50
Peace of Mind 140228 12/30/2018 50
Hormonal Flow Again 139553 12/2/2018 50
Good Schoolgirl 138878 11/4/2018 50
Denial of Orgasm 138206 10/7/2018 50
120 reasons 137536 9/9/2018 50
Kik Cam 136857 8/12/2018 50
Playing with the little hole 136186 7/15/2018 50
Horizontal Mambo 135514 6/17/2018 50
Mercenary Couples 134853 5/20/2018 50
Mister Happy 134177 4/22/2018 50
Zazzled 133505 3/25/2018 50
Betty 132833 2/25/2018 50
Frottage 132166 1/28/2018 50
English Overcoat 131479 12/31/2017 50
Butter Face 130812 12/3/2017 50
Duff 130146 11/5/2017 50
Xerox Queen 129465 10/8/2017 50
Alaskan Fire Dragon 128802 9/10/2017 50
Merkin 128121 8/13/2017 50
Bazoo 127450 7/16/2017 50
Naff 126777 6/18/2017 50
Prince Albert 126105 5/21/2017 50
Baps 125433 4/23/2017 50
Quandong 124762 3/26/2017 50
Yiffy 124090 2/26/2017 50
That's my (cow)Girl 123426 1/29/2017 50
Spinning Spinner 122747 1/1/2017 50
Dew Flaps 122069 12/4/2016 50
Ggw 121403 11/6/2016 50
Stranger on the rocks 120737 10/9/2016 40
PVC 120066 9/11/2016 50
On the Edge 119387 8/14/2016 40
Eiffel Tower 118712 7/17/2016 40
Vicious Van 118038 6/19/2016 40
Cotton panties 117370 5/22/2016 40
Yuri 116698 4/24/2016 50
Chanel 27 116026 3/27/2016 50
Free Porn 115353 2/28/2016 50
Rosebud 114692 1/31/2016 40
Bukka Bukka 114013 1/3/2016 40
Leather Woman 113341 12/6/2015 50
Joy of First 112674 11/8/2015 40
Belle de jour 111990 10/11/2015 40
Cream for face 111324 9/13/2015 40
Very Short HotPants 110659 8/16/2015 40
Andalusian woman 109988 7/19/2015 40
C Thru 109313 6/21/2015 40
Gonzo 108645 5/24/2015 40
Brothelhouse 107961 4/26/2015 40
Bonobo like 107290 3/29/2015 40
Good mood after sex 106628 3/1/2015 50
Brazilian wax 105946 2/1/2015 40
Fat is good (Ode to BBW) 105282 1/4/2015 40
Petinoira 104601 12/7/2014 40
Bkk 103930 11/9/2014 40
Sex poll 103268 10/12/2014 40
2nd channel 102585 9/14/2014 50
Almost over 101914 8/17/2014 40
Transition day 101242 7/20/2014 40
New Big 100571 6/22/2014 40
Solstice 99898 5/25/2014 40
The stolen bee 99226 4/27/2014 40
Foggy day 98556 3/30/2014 50
Limbo rock 97882 3/2/2014 40
All slow 97210 2/2/2014 40
Hospitalization 96538 1/5/2014 40
Analog Time 95877 12/8/2013 40
Wind on the sea 95193 11/10/2013 40
Leeches 94523 10/13/2013 40
Daniel-San 93850 9/15/2013 40
Per te 74583 7/5/2011 30