AFK Five

Music Videos

Nothing promotes a song like a Music Video. Music videos which make it to the charts receive an additional boost to song popularity for as long as they remain on the charts.

Music Video Release Review
Dark Stars+ 184287 1/9/2024 50
Onde Corte 183620 12/12/2023 50
Calm Mood 182923 11/13/2023 50
Still Need Inspiration 182260 10/17/2023 50
Minute Of Infinity 181390 9/10/2023 50
Dietro Casa 180705 8/13/2023 50
Through Drops 180044 7/16/2023 50
Vague Symphoney+ 179370 6/18/2023 50
the Land of Idiots+ 178717 5/22/2023 50
Paper Aeroplane+ 178029 4/23/2023 50
Just Waltz 177354 3/26/2023 50
The Bees 176712 2/28/2023 50
Love me or hate me, both are in my favor 176023 1/30/2023 50
Jaula 175342 1/1/2023 50
Forget Her Voice 174674 12/5/2022 50
Classical Wedding+ 174002 11/7/2022 50
Time For Tears 172654 9/11/2022 50
Quiet Adagio 172006 8/15/2022 50
Jr.S II D+ 171311 7/17/2022 50
db 27 D+ 170639 6/19/2022 50
For the beloved one... 169979 5/23/2022 50
db 25 (PASKE) D+ 169304 4/25/2022 50
SteAn I (PASKE) D+ 168621 3/27/2022 50
26/26 - Serv-i simin (KESPA) Z 167966 2/28/2022 50
Vi.51 (KS) D+ 167276 1/30/2022 50
Vi.46 (KS) D+ 166616 1/3/2022 50
Pink 165299 11/9/2021 50
Batik 164645 10/13/2021 40
Viva 163967 9/14/2021 40
Şarkı 163284 8/17/2021 40
Milas 162625 7/21/2021 40
Vırusler sardı 4-1 yanımı 162418 7/12/2021 40
Kararsızlıktan şarkıya başlayamayan Nini 147022 10/9/2019 40
Baptism 146157 9/3/2019 40
Animal 143807 5/28/2019 50
Hit the road jack 142791 4/16/2019 50
Rehber 142238 3/24/2019 40
Hit çıkaramayan kızın annesi 141630 2/27/2019 40
Beverly Anısına 140954 1/30/2019 50
Marti 140087 12/24/2018 40
CharlieChaplin129thbday 139440 11/28/2018 30
When we re no more 138781 10/31/2018 40
Delirten sıkıcı toplantılar 138085 10/2/2018 40
Thursday 137420 9/4/2018 40
Dysfunctional 136758 8/8/2018 40
Uzaydayım, bosluktayım 136181 7/15/2018 40
Duches 135224 6/5/2018 40
Abuszade 134864 5/21/2018 40
(Genclesemiyordu) 134015 4/15/2018 40