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Music Videos

Nothing promotes a song like a Music Video. Music videos which make it to the charts receive an additional boost to song popularity for as long as they remain on the charts.

Music Video Release Review
Wake Up Dreamer 48366 7/8/2008 20
Good Souls, Bad Souls 48366 7/8/2008 20
Exhausted...but in Bliss 46001 3/31/2008 20
When the Sun Exhausts its Fuel 45969 3/30/2008 20
Natural Born Vampire 44861 2/13/2008 20
Holy Dance 44532 1/30/2008 20
A lo Largo del Camino 44532 1/30/2008 20
Abstención 42746 11/17/2007 20
Multilateral 42746 11/17/2007 20
Upon This Place 42180 10/24/2007 20
Adrenalina 42180 10/24/2007 20
My little princess 41821 10/9/2007 20
Inmesurable 41693 10/4/2007 20
Don't Touch my Hamster! 41233 9/15/2007 20
llegando a casa 41166 9/12/2007 20
Party behind scenes 40927 9/2/2007 20
Habitos de Alcoba 40927 9/2/2007 20
Vecinas Calientes 40704 8/24/2007 20
Anyway I love U 40238 8/4/2007 20