Stay Brewtiful


Releasing top selling records is an excellent way to climb high up in the artist rankings. In order to release a record you first have to record a couple of tracks and get a decent record contract with a record studio. You can work on two records at a time. Good luck!

Full Length Albums Release Review
Neverland 892053/5/2013 50
Partymeister 8652011/14/2012 50
Uprising 836637/17/2012 50
Razzle Dazzle 809763/28/2012 50
Houston, We Need A Name! 7828812/7/2011 40
Singles Release Review
Buraya ad girin5 1241903/2/2017 40
Click 912205/28/2013 40
Absolutely Maybe 903834/23/2013 40
After Midnight 897043/26/2013 40
Worst Beta Ever 890362/26/2013 40
Manasız 882751/26/2013 40
Composed in moonlight 876941/1/2013 40
Dondurma Limonu 8684911/27/2012 40
Chocolate Milk 8618110/30/2012 40
Moreno 8551010/2/2012 40
Bir Göt Olarak T. 848399/4/2012 40
Market Segment Fucklarity 841688/8/2012 40
jmklkl 834937/10/2012 40
Synesthesia 828226/12/2012 40
Bowl of strawberries 819855/9/2012 40
Kral Argün 813114/10/2012 40
Ah Mia Vah Batu 806403/14/2012 40
Epic Fail 799682/15/2012 40
Açmayın, Argün Çıplak! 792951/17/2012 40
Kung-Fu Cats 7862412/21/2011 40
Unuttuk 7795211/23/2011 40
From Chicago 7728010/26/2011 40
Otomatik Seyahat 766089/28/2011 40
Whatever we do, do it good 759308/30/2011 30
Property of MRP 752638/2/2011 40