Babylon's Pride


Releasing top selling records is an excellent way to climb high up in the artist rankings. In order to release a record you first have to record a couple of tracks and get a decent record contract with a record studio. You can work on two records at a time. Good luck!

Full Length Albums Release Review
Album 1236162/6/2017 50
asfaf 1143991/19/2016 50
Babylons Pride 1116919/28/2015 50
Jägerbomb! 1081415/3/2015 50
Singles Release Review
BABYLON 13036211/14/2017 40
Buraya ad girin 2 1263425/31/2017 40
Ancient Skin 1256295/1/2017 40
Pagan Fears 1249594/3/2017 40
Frontschwein 1242863/6/2017 40
60's v 80's 1232781/23/2017 40
Social Distortion 12260412/26/2016 40
Wet Dreams 12193611/28/2016 40
Babylon's Pride VI. 12126310/31/2016 40
İlgisiz single 1152392/23/2016 40
Babylon's Pride V 1142371/12/2016 40
Babylon's Pride IV 11356412/15/2015 40
Welcome Marie! 11286111/16/2015 40
Babylon's Pride II 11221010/20/2015 40
Babylon's Pride 1115459/22/2015 40
End of the story. 1108738/25/2015 40
Beautiful Monster 1097037/7/2015 40
Just şeytan 1090026/8/2015 40
Cast for şeytan 1090026/8/2015 40
#anabacıyapmajenna 1086715/25/2015 40
Bite me! 1076804/14/2015 40
Boom! 1068453/10/2015 40
Extacy 1061692/10/2015 40
Quma 1053261/6/2015 40
Ayol hoca göl maya tutar mı? 10447012/1/2014 40
Elmalı Manhattan 10364010/28/2014 40