Bedtime Tales For Rebels


Releasing top selling records is an excellent way to climb high up in the artist rankings. In order to release a record you first have to record a couple of tracks and get a decent record contract with a record studio. You can work on two records at a time. Good luck!

Full Length Albums Release Review
album 17381510/30/2022 50
Empty album 1698245/17/2022 50
The Haroutiounian's Effect A. 1671251/24/2022 50
first album 1631188/10/2021 50
Don't Panic 1439606/4/2019 40
Singles Release Review
givemethepen+vic'sdream 1762272/7/2023 40
floridabeaches+waitforus 17449711/27/2022 40
pcwithdc+waitforus 17384510/31/2022 40
final+teatime 17319310/4/2022 40
feeling+netflix 1725209/6/2022 40
anewsong+metant 1718478/9/2022 40
vendré corriendo+erşanoff 1711977/13/2022 40
birdssinging+finallyburb 1705046/14/2022 40
whatspopp+kobeswheel 1698335/17/2022 40
keepme+popun 1691744/19/2022 40
Months 1685063/23/2022 40
LAUGHNOW..BIRDLAND. 1678302/22/2022 40
Bro's and Sis's 16648412/28/2021 40
geographic+vic.24092021 16463810/12/2021 40
154685 1636359/1/2021 40
birthday+loveofmylife 1622847/6/2021 40
Bence Pizza Yemeliyiz 1456548/13/2019 40
Bir Daha Mı Tövbe! 1449747/16/2019 40
Data 1436295/21/2019 40
Core 1422913/26/2019 40
Ubuntu 1416182/26/2019 40