Quatre Vingt


Releasing top selling records is an excellent way to climb high up in the artist rankings. In order to release a record you first have to record a couple of tracks and get a decent record contract with a record studio. You can work on two records at a time. Good luck!

Full Length Albums Release Review
Lost Time 1539607/25/2020 30
The Slow Rush 1506903/10/2020 30
Ask and Recieve 14800711/19/2019 30
Singles Release Review
L'appel du Vide 1585582/1/2021 30
Deadcrush 15767612/26/2020 30
Mind Mischief 1511173/28/2020 30
Feel The Game 14896412/29/2019 30
Concept Vague 1462789/8/2019 20