Intangible Octopi


Releasing top selling records is an excellent way to climb high up in the artist rankings. In order to release a record you first have to record a couple of tracks and get a decent record contract with a record studio. You can work on two records at a time. Good luck!

Full Length Albums Release Review
IO VIII 1755411/10/2023 50
IO VII 1728399/19/2022 40
IO VI 1700055/24/2022 40
IO V 1671571/25/2022 40
Intangible Octopi IV 16446510/5/2021 40
Intangible Octopi III 1614456/1/2021 40
Intangible Octopi II 1587572/9/2021 40
Intangible Octopi I 15574910/7/2020 30
Singles Release Review
IO EP 8 - 12 1765572/21/2023 40
IO EP 8 - 10 1758811/24/2023 40
IO EP 8 - 5 17519012/26/2022 40
IO EP 8 - 2 17452511/28/2022 40
IO EP 7 - 5 17387411/1/2022 40
IO EP 7 - 4 17319510/4/2022 40
IO EP 7-1 1725089/5/2022 40
IO EP 6-4 1718268/8/2022 40
IO EP 6-2 1707976/26/2022 40
IO EP 6-1 1701025/28/2022 30
EP IO 20 1694054/29/2022 40
EP IO 19 1686623/29/2022 40
IO EP18 1679662/28/2022 40
IO EP17 1673021/31/2022 40
IO EP16 1666441/4/2022 30
IO EP15 16580611/30/2021 40
IO EP14 16513411/2/2021 40
EP13 - IO 16446510/5/2021 40
EP12 - IO 1636258/31/2021 40
EP11 - IO 1626227/20/2021 30
EP10 - IO 1614366/1/2021 30
EP9 - IO 1607715/4/2021 30
EP8 - IO 1599303/30/2021 30
EP7 - IO 1592523/2/2021 30
EP6 - IO 1585912/2/2021 30
EP5 - Intangible Octopi 1579101/5/2021 30
EP4 - Intangible Octopi 15721912/7/2020 30
EP3 - Intangible Octopi 15656311/10/2020 30
EP2 - Intangible Octopi 15589410/13/2020 30
EP1 - Intangible Octopi 1552229/15/2020 20