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Release Parties

Make sure no one misses your new record by throwing a release party for it! If you can't afford the expensive marketing stunts on offer you should at least go for the more economic guerilla marketing options. You don't want to miss out on this opportunity to gain some extra media exposure, and song popularity, to boost your career!

Scheduling a release party is an alternative to manually releasing a record in the last minute at the click of a button. You can't do both. You can start preparing a release party on this page as soon as you've submitted your new record for release. Please remember that the date of a newly booked release party must be three days into the future!

Upcoming release parties

None found.

Previous release parties

Name Record Date
Rompiamo tutto! Eppure le ruppe 1861333/26/2024, 1:00 PM
Hybrid party! Hybrid song 1852962/20/2024, 4:00 PM
Ho troppi personaggi Ho troppi personaggi 1846311/23/2024, 11:00 PM
zzzZZZzzz... so sleepy... Monday Yawn 18395212/26/2023, 4:00 PM
Cerco un gecko di gravitĂ  permanente Leopard Gecko 18328611/28/2023, 10:00 PM
Si può fare!... di peggio Sempre peggio 18295011/14/2023, 10:00 PM
Devo farmi uno scrub, guarda che pori... Canzone porosa 18244410/24/2023, 8:00 PM
The End of the World...? Armageddon Nona 1816069/19/2023, 10:00 PM
Don't sleep! YAWN! 1805918/8/2023, 3:00 PM
The Worst Release Party Ever Del peggio del nostro peggio 1800917/18/2023, 7:00 PM
Avvitiamoci! Che giri fanno due viti 1797527/4/2023, 4:00 PM
Viviamo per qualcuno! Someone to Live For 1790736/6/2023, 9:00 AM
Magnetizziamoci! Impulsi elettro-magnetici 1784085/9/2023, 4:00 PM
Ora siamo in 5! Electric Sheeps 1777344/11/2023, 2:00 PM
Omaggiamo! Omaggio a Guido d'Arezzo... 1772393/21/2023, 11:00 PM
Toppiamo! Vogliamo la top 100 1767272/28/2023, 3:00 PM
Contro la crisi!! Avvisaglie di crisi 1753831/3/2023, 3:00 PM
Droppiamo! Drops 1722738/27/2022, 1:00 AM
Partyamo tutti! Partyamo! 1715207/26/2022, 4:00 PM