Welcome to New York

The city of New York is located in United States of America, and currently the home of 1412 people. The local time and date is 10/5/2024, 3:56 PM.

Through these pages you can find out more about the city, places to visit and what is happening here. To travel to another city you can either buy a plane ticket, hitch a ride with a touring band, or hop into a personal vehicle if you own one.

Upcoming days in New York

Day Date Weekday Holiday
53 19075210/5/2024 7Saturday
54 19077610/6/2024 1Sunday Liberation Day
55 19080010/7/2024 2Monday
56 19082410/8/2024 3Tuesday New Year's Eve
1 19084810/9/2024 4Wednesday New Year's Day
2 19087210/10/2024 5Thursday
3 19089610/11/2024 6Friday

View the full city calendar

A word from the Mayor

Welcome to New York, the city that never sleeps!

Useful Locales:
🏖️ Manhattan Beach
🛹 Skate Park
🏀 Basketball Court
🎢 Coney Island
🐯 Bronx Zoo
🌼 Hamptons
📮 Farley Post Office
🏘️ NY Real Estate
⚰️ Cypress Hills Cemetery

Open Houses in NYC:
Madison Square Garden
Quantum Tunnel To Bombay
New York Artists Home
The little coffe shop
N.Y. Big Family House
Marvel:+:DC "so Dark!

City Officials:
Galit de Lang - Mayor & Treasurer
Milo Newman - Vice Mayor
Regina Catty - Chief Justice
Pandora Frame - Chief of Police

City Ministers:
Galit de Lang - Minister of Sport
VACANT - Minister of Education

Useful Forum Threads:
Mayor's Office: 🏢 2030538.409
Need a doctor? 💊 1968865.1
Mayoral Academy 📚 2349048.1
Cash For New & Returning People: 💳 2146833.1
Central Park Lounge: 🍸 2131320.1
Jobs Available/Wanted: 👔 148669.1
Government Jobs: 🗄️ 2340014.1
Bandmembers Wanted: 🎸 1966492.1

Want some fun?

Check out the City Calendar for upcoming events, or visit the Social Pages to find other things to do in the near future.

Upcoming shows in New York

Marvelicious is playing in One Love | New York at 10/5/2024, 4:00 PM.
Tickets sold: 100
Crusty Riot is playing in Rock the Casbah ~ NY at 10/5/2024, 4:00 PM.
Tickets sold: 100
Die beste Band der Welt is playing in Punk ≠ a hairstyle {NY} at 10/5/2024, 4:00 PM.
Tickets sold: 100
cosmique is playing in Gray Clouds CW |NYC| at 10/5/2024, 4:00 PM.
Tickets sold: 100

City Top Charts