Criminal Crew Ranking

Current rank of all crews represented in the social club, separated by number of members.

Crews with 1 member

# Rank Crew
1 545 SONS
2 1286 Fugitives
3 1361 Axonic Behavior
4 1578 2D Paus
5 1639 Anticuario
6 1833 Black Peaяl
7 2117 somebody is watching you
8 2412 Brasfoot

Crews with 2 members

# Rank Crew
1 26 2 friends, still 0 imagination
2 55 Kiss Your Knuckles
3 265 You're Gonna Go Far, Kid!
4 266 Crystal Elephant Crew
5 442 Chilli Pepper
6 565 La Familia Viking
7 641 Snake
8 1884 Lucky Strike
9 2084 Soulless Brothers

Crews with 3 members

# Rank Crew
1 34 :::Bad Bitch Club:::
2 86 Troublemakers
3 146 Prowlers
4 284 Hot Sinners
5 368 seis gotinhas de rivotril